What are the benefits of using FalconEye VPN vs everyone else?

Our VPN services are specifically tailored to GTA V and optimized for online gaming. We have directly linked via private BGP Tunnels to California Roleplay servers to ensure the best connections possible. Experience the best play experience in one of the best FiveM communities available today. In addition, FalconEye VPN keeps no logs whatsoever. All network communication logs that occur in our servers are purged real-time. All your communications on our VPN are private and secure leveraging military grade encryption to keep your connection free from hackers.

Using the same anti-DDoS protection custom designed for California Roleplay, FalconEye AI can block 99% of all Layer 3 and Layer 7 attacks by utilizing our mitigation partner: Path.net. We deploy FalconEye AI Anti-DDoS mitigation to all VPN endpoints protecting you from DNS leaks and DDoS attacks. We have over 50+ servers for you to connect from worldwide. Our price points are affordable with the best features in class with private servers available exclusively to California Roleplay members.

Network Map: https://maphub.net/calirp/network
Network Status: https://status.calidoj.com/

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